Privacy Policy

Studyplan operates the website at We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This notice explains the collection, use, and safeguarding of your personal data.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect basic information about our visitors, which includes but is not limited to IP addresses, browser types, timestamps, and referring pages. This information, which does not personally identify individual visitors, is used for site administration and maintenance purposes. We ensure that the collection of data is done with your consent and in accordance with GDPR.

Use of Cookies

This website uses cookies where necessary to store information about a visitor's preferences and history in order to better serve the visitor and/or present customized content. Explicit consent is obtained before any cookies are stored on your device.

Advertisements and Third Parties

Third-party advertisers may use cookies, scripts, and/or web beacons to track visitors to our site in order to display advertisements and other useful information. The tracking is performed directly by these third parties through their own servers and is subject to their privacy policies. We do not have control over these tracking technologies but ensure transparency on their usage.

We include links to other websites for your convenience and information. We do not control the privacy practices of these other sites, and they may differ from ours.

Google User Data

Our application utilizes Google services to enhance your user experience. Specifically, we access and use your name and email address, which are obtained through Google with your explicit consent. We use this information solely to personalize your experience on our site and to communicate with you about your account. We store this information securely and do not share it with third parties except as required by law.

Data Security

We prioritize the security of your personal data but acknowledge that no Internet transmission or electronic storage method is 100% secure. We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information.

Your Rights Under GDPR

Under GDPR, you have the right to access, correct, transfer, and delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. For any requests regarding your data rights, please contact us directly.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 2024-04-25 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page. Changes will be notified through the email address you have provided or by placing a prominent notice on our website.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at

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